Eliana Trinaistic
Director of Social Purpose, Impact and Culture
In her new role as a Director of Social Purpose, Impact and Culture, Eliana Trinaistic will continue her decade of working within the social sector locally and globally as a passionate language rights advocate, promoter of intrapreneurship (manifesting “purpose at work”) and believer in creating grassroots, organic and human solutions for a complex world. This role that emerged from many years of thinking and practical application of intentional social impact interventions is designed thanks to many individuals at MCIS who helped over the years to envision it, particularly the outgoing Head of System Development, Veronica Costea. The MCIS Social Benefits Fund ($130,000 annually), a collaborative, cross-functional, staff-driven community service that closes the gap where it is needed the most, will continue to support advocacy for access to critical information and services and uphold the human right to be informed, heard, and understood.
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