The Importance of Inclusive Language in Translation
By: Alisa Arkhangelskaya Embracing Diversity in Global Communication As we celebrate Pride Month this June, we should re...
Intangible Cultural Heritage in Asia: Celebrating Asian Heritage Month
By: Cheryl Lu, Social Media Coordinator As we wrap up the month of May, the month dedicated to celebrating Asian Heritag...
Breaking Barriers, Building Bridges: MCIS Marks World Day of Cultural Diversity
By: Kirsten Fee, RFP Contract Writer Every year since 2002, UNESCO has held the World Day of Cultural Diversity on May 2...
MCIS Free Training: Nine More Recipients Graduated!
By: Cheryl Lu, Social Media Coordinator This spring, MCIS successfully supported nine more graduates from our free train...
Uniting Cultures Through Language: Celebrating Spanish, Mandarin, and English on UN Language Days
By: Sheekha Sanghvi, Marketing Manager As a part of the dynamic fabric of world languages and cultures, English, Mandari...
Under Indigenous Language Influence: Canadian Location Names
By: Cheryl Lu, Social Media Coordinator On March 31 we recently celebrated the National Indigenous Language Day of Canad...
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