Based on our 30+ years of experience in the industry, the list of common languages below account for 95% of interpretation requests. Uncommon and rare languages account for 4% of the requests for interpretation services, with the remaining 1% being signed languages.
In total, MCIS provides interpretation services in 350+ languages.
Please find a classification of languages we provide services for across Canada below:
If you have questions about this classification, please do not hesitate to contact us at
Common languages
- Arabic
- Sudanese arabic
- Cantonese
- Farsi
- Canadian french
- Italian
- Mandarin
- Portuguese
- European portuguese
- Russian
- Spanish
- Vietnamese
- Tamil
- Moroccan arabic
- Bengali
- Dari
- French
- Hungarian
- Korean
- Polish
- Brazillian portuguese
- Punjabi
- Somali
- Tagalog
- Urdu
Uncommon languages
- Khmer
- Albanian
- Armenian
- Bosnian
- Burmese
- Czech
- Gujarati
- Hindi
- Karen
- Lao
- Pashto
- Slovak
- Sinhala
- Tibetan
- Turkish
- Tigrigna
- Amharic
- Assyrian
- Bulgarian
- Creole
- Greek
- Hebrew
- Japanese
- Kurdish – sorani
- Nepali
- Oromo
- Romanian
- Serbo-croatian
- Swahili
- Twi
- Ukrainian
Rare languages
Languages not included in the list above are classified as Rare Languages.
ASL, Deaf Interpreting and aboriginal languages are also subject to different rates, minimums and increments.
Conference Interpreting is only available for certain mainstream languages, such as English <> French, Spanish, Mandarin, Russian, Arabic, Portuguese, etc.