Interface: Smartphone Instructions
1. Home Button:
The home button in the middle of the top menu, which looks like a house, will always take you back to the home screen. Confirmed jobs for today will show up in the home screen.
2. Previous Day Button
The previous day button, which looks like a left arrow to the left of the Home button, will show past confirmed jobs going back one day at a time.
3. Next Day Button
The next day button, which looks like a right arrow to the right of the Home button, will show future confirmed jobs going forward one day at a time.
4. Search Bar
The Service Provider search bar will allow you to look up all jobs related to a particular SP/Customer by entering at least three letters of their name.
5. Jobs List
The main screen displays a list of confirmed jobs, either by date or by SP (if you had used the search bar). Use the “<< Prev” and “Next >>” to navigate between pages. The current page number and the total number of pages is displayed at the bottom centre of the list.
6. Date Chooser Button
The first button in the bottom menu allows you to use the built-in calendar to choose a particular date and display a list of confirmed jobs.
7. Offered Jobs Button
The second button of the bottom menu, is the most important section for obtaining new jobs. Each time you receive a notification of a new offer, visit this section to either accept or decline the offer.
UPDATE March-01-2020: Available offered jobs will now always show in this section. No need to wait for offer email or texts!
8. Sync Button
The sync button allows you to synchronize confirmed jobs with your smartphone’s calendar, if you use your phone’s calendar to schedule your work and to set up reminders.
Please note: It is the responsibility of each interpreter to ensure attendance of confirmed jobs. Smartphone or Sync button malfunctions are not valid reasons for missing an assignment.
9. Contact Button
This button displays a list of useful contact information at MCIS for our interpreters.
Please note: Interpreters are requested to contact MCIS by phone for emergencies only. For non-urgent inquiries, please use the following emails:
- Profile Updates:
- Job inquiries:
- Invoicing inquiries:
- Other:
10. Logout
Log out of your account if give access of your smartphone to other people, to enforce confidentiality of SP and MCIS information.