Closing Completed Jobs: Smartphone Instructions

All interpreters are encouraged to close completed jobs using their smart phones and obtain a digital signature from the service provider (site contact). If for some reason an interpreter is unable to use their smartphone to close a job, they can print out a Verification of Services (VoS) form prior to attending the job, cullect a pen signature on the form and close the job using their computer (instructions in the “Computer Access” section). But this is a longer process and is discouraged.

1. Closing the Job

At the end of a job, login to Interpreter Intelligence on your phone, and locate the job to be closed on your home screen, which automatically displays a list of today’s jobs. Tap anywhere on the job to enter job details, and tap on the “Close” button at the bottom left.


  • Job time:
    • Check the Arrival Date/Time: This is the time you (the interpreter) arrived at the assignment location.
    • Check the Start Date/Time: The start time should be entered as the scheduled service start time. Make changes to start time ONLY if the services were rendered at a different time as compared to the requested time. This can happen in two scenarios:
      • If the Service Provider decided to start the service earlier than the scheduled time, or
      • If the services were initiated late due to you (the interpreter) being late.
    • Kindly note that if the services were delayed due to the Service Provider or the Non-English speaking client being late, the start time will remain as the original booking, you don’t need to change the start time in this case.
    • Check the End Date/Time: Enter the ACTUAL end time the job concluded, even if it is earlier than the time the job was supposed to end. The system will pay you the minimum booked time.

    Make any changes here necessary.

  • Job Close Notes: Enter any relevant notes related to the job which prove useful for yourself or MCIS.

    Tip: This is where you report the result of a Message Relay type assignment.

  • Pre-approved Incidentals and Adding Mileage:
    If you have any pre-approved incidentals for a job, they will show up here. If there should be a pre-approved incidental but you don’t see it here, contact MCIS. As usually interpreters need to close the job with the SP first, then add parking receipts in the parking lot, we have created a separate section called Adding incidental receipts after closing a job. See the next section below.

    March 1, 2020: Mileage can now be added by interpreters themselves using the “Add Incidental” button. If you ended up travelling beyond 25km one-way for a job, according to Google Maps at the time of the job, you will automatically qualify for mileage payment, no pre-approval necessary. Feel free to add the total mileage (two-way) as an incidental to the job. See steps below on adding mileage:

    • (Please note, if you are in a rush to close the job and obtain the SP’s signature, mileage can also be added AFTER closing the job. See next section, “Adding Incidental Receipts”)
      Tap on the “Add Incidental” button
    • Select “Mileage” under Type
      Type in the TWO-WAY mileage that you traveled for this job under quantity. The minimum should be 50. Again, you’re auto-qualified for mileage payment if you’ve traveled more than 25 km one-way or more than 50 km in total for a job. Put the full two-way mileage into the quantity slot:
    • Click on “Save” and you’ll see that mileage as been added successfully. no receipt/document is necessary, but our Finance department will verify your mileage claims:

    Click on “Next

  • Authorized Signatory:
    • Pass your phone to the SP/Contact for a digital signature.
    • If this is a remote service, such as phone/video, you are authorized to sign for yourself. You will be held accountable for the accuracy of information that you sign for.
    • In the blank field below, type the SP’s name (or your own name if signing for yourself).

    Click on “Sign Off

  • Enter your own initials in the initials field, tap on the “Agree” button. Then, tap on “Confirm & Close Job


Please note: Incidentals such as parking require receipt uploads for reimbursement of actual parking fee charged. You will not be paid without uploading a receipt!

If you are adding incidental receipts after closing a job, please always do so within 24 hours after closing the job to avoid delays and accounting errors.

    • After closing the job with the SP, it’s time to ensure that your have provided supporting receipts to your incidentals such as parking. Once you have the receipt, login to Interpreter Intelligence on your phone, and locate the previously closed job on your home screen. Tap anywhere on the job to enter job details, and tap on the “Incidental” button at the bottom right. You should now see a list of incidentals for this job.
    • Tap on the “upload document” icon just below the date in the relevant incidental section (It looks like a black upwards arrow on a piece of paper):
    • Tap on the “Choose file” button:
    • Depending on your phone, select the camera you’d like to use by tapping on it:
    • Take a picture of the relevant receipt. If it looks good, tap on “OK”, otherwise tap on “Retry” to try again.
    • After you tap “OK”, the photo should upload to your phone:
    • When the picture is fully uploaded you’ll see a confirmation message: “Receipt Successfully Uploaded.”
      This message may go away on its own, or you may close it by tapping on the “x”.
    • You will now a “paper clip” icon beside the name of the incidental, to indicate that there is an attachment:
    • The job remains closed and now you have added the appropriate incidental receipt to support your claim.
    • NOTE: Mileage can also be added here after closing a job for anyone who has traveled more than 25 km one way without pre-approval. Fullow instructions in the section above after tapping on “Add Incidental“.

3. job Cancelled?

There are two situations where the interpreter may mark the job “cancelled” when they close it:

  • Service Provider no show
  • Client no show

In these circumstances, you will still be paid for your services, and you will need to close the job with the “Cancelled” status checked, then:

  • Choose the appropriate reason
  • Agree to the disclaimer
  • Finalize the job.

Please Note: There are circumstances where MCIS will cancel a job for you prior to the job, such as a client cancellation. In these cases, you do not need to do anything in the job, they will be processed automatically. You will be able to see jobs cancelled by MCIS for various reasons. For jobs that are “Cancelled with Fee“, you will be paid for them.

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